
Life in my House

Hello! Yes, it's my second blog post today. I just got home from piano lessons and I had to clean for a bit. Otherwise I had a good day!!!  Cleaning is usually part of our normal day. Our is me and my family. I've gotten used to it. School is also part of our normal day, too, so I'm used to that, too. School is fine. And of course meals are part of our day. Meals are very important but sometimes I forget to eat breakfast. Like all the time I forget to. And people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not for me! JK. πŸ˜‚πŸ’– But lunch and dinner are meals I remember to eatπŸ˜†, so yeeeeah. We sometimes, when we're not very busy, run errands together as a family to stores or other places. I have to go, so more tomorrow! Goodbye! 😘 Signing off, Freckles and Carrots😎🐘🎁🎻

My Daily Tasks

Good morning and welcome back! It's Monday, a school day! School days aren't my favorite (they are nobody's favorite, haha), but I'll deal. You know that picture of Anna from Frozen 2 on my last blog post? Well, that was because she looks a bit like me. Red hair, freckles. That stuff. Every school day I have to do math, history or science (it's different each day), language arts, and practicing my two instruments. Plus chores, which my daily chore this week is cleaning the family room. It's not that hard unless the family room is very messy. I just have to clean it and vacuum it, and then BAM it's done. Well I am off to do my schoolwork!  Signing off, ♥ Freckles  and Carrots♥

My First Ever Post

WELCOME TO FRECKLES AND CARROTS!!!! This is my first ever post and hopefully it'll be a good one. But I've never done a blog before so if my blog posts are cheesy, do not judge. Haha.  Okay, so I am homeschooled by my wonderful mother. It's awesome to be homeschooled because it takes about two hours to get my schoolwork done! I have two instruments that I play: piano and violin. I love them both. I have to leave someplace, so I guess that's all. Ta-ta for now! Toodle-doo! ♥